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Thursday 23 April 2009


Well I should have known better...write a blog about the wonderful sunny weather we're having and what happens...within a day the sun's gone and it's wet and dull again! Sorry!

I said in my blog yesterday that when it's sunny it seems to lift our spirits and make everything seem a bit brighter. Well today I think I've seen the opposite apply:

  • Damp and wet this morning when I left for work which after the weather of the last few days, made it less appealing to go out in.

  • I then got stuck in a traffic jam for a while because part of a raod had been shut because of a collapsed man hole.

  • That in turn meant I got to work much later than I was supposed to.

  • The air conditioning in my office is broken and needs a part which won't be available until Monday, so the office is like a sauna again.

  • Had to go out at lunchtime to get a birthday card for my Dad, forgot my umbrella so got soaked.

  • Had a meeting this afternoon which went on until about 5.45pm, by which time my head was thumping.

So dull and damp outside today. Feeling pretty down today too as it's been a very long day, I'm exhausted and a lot of things I was involved in to day just didn't quite go as planned.

Sunny bright days outside seem to make it easier to be positive, so when you're having a "grey" day, don't focus on the negative things around you, think of a time when you were happy and try and stay positive. Pray! God doesn't desert you when you're having a bad day, He's there to help you make everyday a sunny day.

Stay positive no matter how your weather looks!

By the way, Tigger's back to sleeping on our bed again as the window doesn't seem so appealing today!

1 comment:

Louise said...

very true about how SAD can affect you

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