Why oh why do people insist on not calling this time of year by it's real name CHRISTMAS!
There is one thing that annoys me more than anything else these days, it's Christmas being called by some other name...Winterval, Festivus, Chrismukkah, Yule, Yuletide...
...and then there are my all time most annoying ones: Xmas and Crimbo!
It's almost as if Christ is deliberately being taken out of Christmas! It's hardly surprising that so few people know and understand what the true meaning of Christmas is when they don't even know it's called Christmas anymore.
Help keep Christ in Christmas, don't abbreviate or use alternative names for it, just call it as it is...Christmas!
The Book of 2 Samuel
12 hours ago
Just for the record - Xmas is CHRISTmas.
The "X" in Xmas is from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of Χριστός, Christ in Greek.
Same as using the Chi-ro to represent followers of Christ. Its the X and P, the first two letters of Christ. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jdblundell/3615204931/)
... a little more background: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xmas#History
Thanks for your comments they are very helpful and informative.
I must admit tho, I supect when the majority of people write Xmas they have no idea of its original and simply do so as an abbreviation - I appologise to those who use Xmas in full knowledge of the Greek background.
Thanks to Jonathan for helping me learn something new today! :)
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