Are you faced with making a decision that could dramatically change your life?
Scared you will not make the right decision?
Well you're not alone - all these situations/feelings are all perfectly normal. I think if we are all honest, we all get a bit scared/worried when we face difficult decisions or face new situations that are unfamiliar to us.

Talk to God. Listen to what he's saying to you. Trust his leading.
If you follow God's directions He will guide you though. He will give you all you need to do whatever it is he has directed you to do. Trust Him.
I Can Trust You (Rebecca St James)
Yes, I know that You have paved a path for me
Yes, I know that You see what I do and don’t need
But when it comes to the deepest things
I have a hard time relinquishing control
Letting go
God, it hurts to give You what I must lay down
But when I let go, freedom’s found
God, it hurts to give You what I’ve held so dear
Because of Your love it’s clear
I can trust You with this
I can trust You with me
I can trust You
Lord, I know that You are worthy of my trust
For You have shown me time and time again
You’re faithful and yet
I’m so scared of letting go of this
Afraid of what You might do with it
How could I forget who You are like this
Me forsaking
Heart is breaking
I let go of what I’ve held so tight
Freedom’s mine now
For the taking
I move in faith, not by sight
Let Your will be done
Yes, I know that You have paved a path for me
Yes, I know that You see what I do and don’t need
But when it comes to the deepest things
I have a hard time relinquishing control
Letting go
God, it hurts to give You what I must lay down
But when I let go, freedom’s found
God, it hurts to give You what I’ve held so dear
Because of Your love it’s clear
I can trust You with this
I can trust You with me
I can trust You
Lord, I know that You are worthy of my trust
For You have shown me time and time again
You’re faithful and yet
I’m so scared of letting go of this
Afraid of what You might do with it
How could I forget who You are like this
Me forsaking
Heart is breaking
I let go of what I’ve held so tight
Freedom’s mine now
For the taking
I move in faith, not by sight
Let Your will be done
1 comment:
Hi Dot - Thanks for your post. I often find it helpful too to remove myself from the situation/area when making decisions. Our holiday last week to Spain made me realize how much I love living where I do and next week we are away for another two and again it gives me chance to think things over. God finds many ways to help us find the solution.
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