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Tuesday 4 August 2009

Daily Routine

How do you start your day?

Are you one of those people you is up the second your alarm goes, or are you like me, turn over and go back to sleep again for as long as you can get away with?

So having got up, what do you do next - Bathroom, shower, breakfast, feed the cat/dog, get the kids up/dressed?

Now my "big" question - on average, how long does it take you after getting up, before you say your first prayer of the day?

Just a few minutes, hours or you're not sure as it just depends when you get free minute to pray - These are just a few of the answers you might have come up with.

Start your day with God. Make Him part of your day right from the moment you wake. If you invite God to be part of your day right from its commencement, what could possible make your day any better!

Make God part of your daily routine. Make prayer part of your daily routine.

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