Bible Reading - 2 Timothy 2:13
Even when we are too weak to have any faith left, he remains faithful to us and will help us. For he cannot disown us who are part of himself and he always will carry out his promises.
During out darkest times our faith is often tested to extremes and we can often find it difficult, if not impossible to pray. But God does not give up on us. He will continue to watch over us and guide us even when we cannot find the words to talk to God.
If your faith is wavering or you're struggling to understand what God wants you to do, keep hold of your faith, however small you feel it may be, because God will get you through - He'd not have put you in the situation if He didn't think you could cope with it!
Faith transforms the earth into a paradise.
By it our hearts are raised with the joy of our nearness to heaven.
Every moment reveals God to us.
Faith is our light in this life.
By it we know the truth without seeing it, we are put in touch with what we cannot feel, recognize what we cannot see, and view the world stripped of all its outer shell.
Faith unlocks God's treasury.
It is the key to all the vastness of His wisdom.
The emptiness of all created things is disclosed by faith, and it is by faith that God reveals Himself…
With faith,
All that is dark becomes light, and what is bitter becomes sweet.
Faith transforms ugliness into beauty, and malice into kindness.
Faith is the mother of tenderness, trust, and joy…
There is nothing faith cannot overcome;
It passes beyond all shadows and through the darkest clouds to reach the truth, which it embraces and can never be parted from.
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