So having decides to start this blog, I faced what to me was a difficult decision, what to write about in this very first post! The decision was difficult for me until it came to today, Good Friday, one of the most important days in the christian calendar. This might sound odd, but while I know many say Christmas is the most important time of year to them, I have always found Easter to be more special to me.
"Why?" I hear you ask. Well Christmas is so commericially orientated that many simply know Christmas as a time when they spend days with family, get lots of presents and eat too much and don't ever spare a thought for what Christmas is really about. I realise Easter to is becoming far more commercial these days too, but not nearly to the same extent as Christmas.

For me Easter is all about sacrifice, the sacrifice that Jesus made for each one of us on the cross when he bled and died, just so we can all be forgiven of our sins. Wow, it's impossible to truly understand the pain/agony Jesus suffered when he was crusified. Can you imagine how God felt, giving up his one and only son, just so the world could be forgiven of every sin. I struggle to truely comprehend how this must have felt, but am forever in God's debt because He did allow Christ to die on the cross.
So here we are at another Easter, another time when I feel so inadeqate and so unworthly of God's love, and also so thankful that God's does love me unconditionally and is always by my side guiding me and supporting me through each minute of every day.
What does Easter mean to you? If all you've ever know is 2 days off school or work and Easter eggs, I hope this blog has given you food for thought this Easter.
Easter is all about "The Cross" and the sacrifice God gave for you and for me.

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