Do you plan your future?
I think most of us do to some extent and would agree that it is good idea to plan ahead.
But how far ahead should we plan?
Many business/management courses talk about planning for 5 or 10 years ahead, but is it really realistic to plan where/what you want to be doing that far ahead? What you plan just now for five or ten years from now may turn out to be something that you’ll have no desire for ten years in the future. So realistically is there any point in worrying about being in a specific place ten years from now when at some point, you might want to be somewhere else instead?
I certainly have planned things for my future which when it has actually got to that time, I find they are not what I want or is even is right for me then. As we go through life our circumstances change and often our perspective of things change. This in turn means that things which were important to us at one time, may not be as important to us later on.
So what does all this mean?
Well I think it just means we need to take life in small steps, not in huge leaps. In other words, don't rush through life not paying attention to the world, the people or situations around you, but take the time to experience each day for what it is - after all it is a day in YOUR life so make the most of it.
So how do we live each day to the full?
We must prepare for each day by praying to God and asking God to be with us, supporting us through the day. Living each day with God at the heart of all we do, is the best possible way plan our life. There will come a point in time when we will stand before the throne of God and give an account for the life that they have lived. Therefore, put God at the centre of all you do, and let Him take care of the future. After all, God knows what’s best for us and He will not fail us.
Matthew 6:25-33 (New King James Version)
“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
Checkout Tim Hughes' website:
The Book of 2 Samuel
12 hours ago
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