I hope that through all my previous blog posts you realise that although I'm asking you for your prayers, I have placed my life in God's hands - it doesn't make life any easier to face at times, but it does help to know God is by my side, through it all.
As the title of this post suggests, I find myself facing some difficult days. Each of the next few days find me facing different situations each of which I'm struggling a bit to find the strength to get through them.
My Dad hasn't been too well recently and tomorrow he's at the hospital for tests etc. So as you can imagine we're all a bit concerned about the outcome of all that.
On Friday evening I leave with rest of Bellshill Salvation Army Band to visit Peterborough Salvation Army for the weekend. That in itself is great, so I'm sure you're wondering why I'm worried about that! While the band has had a few weekends away in the last few years, this weekend will be the the first time for a while that I've been well enough to go away with them. Although I'm much better than I was a few years ago, I still have some days when I am not too good,so I'm worried that I might struggle physically (and therefore emotionally too) while we're away. Despite my reservations and worries about the coming weekend, I really am looking forward to being able to go away with the band again, as they are a good bunch of Christian folk.
You can visit the band's website at: http://www.bsab.co.uk/
Finally to round of the next few days, I've got a hospital appointment on Monday for more tests - so that really has just finished off, what for me, will be a difficult few days physically and emotionally.
So there you go, that's what lies ahead for me in the next few days. Unfortunately I know I'm already starting to get stressed about these things even though it's probably not obvious to those who see me, so I could really use your prayers for the next few days please.
Thank you all for your support, I really do appreciate it.
Whatever the future holds
I'm in His hands.
The days I cannot see
Have all been planned for me;
His way is best you see;
I'm in His hands.
by Stanley E Ditmer
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