Guilt comes in many forms, sometimes we cut ourselves up for things we've said or done that we've realised we shouldn't have done. Other times we can make ourselves feel guilty because of someone elses situation which we really have no business to feel guilty about.
Sometimes feeling guilty is good, because it confirms that we've recognised that we've done something wrong, and we need to correct it. It may be that we need to ask someone else for forgiveness and make peace with that person. Sometimes it's God we need to face up to to admit our wrong doing and seek forgiveness.
Have you ever approached God and asked Him for forgiveness, but still you've felt unforgiven? What do we do when despite God forgiving us, we still feel guilty? Well here are a few things to think about if you're still feeling unforgiven:
1. Remember God has forgiven you so there is absolutely no reason why you should still guilty. In other words, if God can forgive you, why should you forgive yourself?!
2. Realise that by refusing to accept God's forgiveness, you are saying that Christ's sacrifice on the cross, was not enough to forgive you of your sins!
3. Seek forgiveness and peace from those affected by what you said or did
4. Try to stop focusing on what you said or did that is making you still feel guilty. You've been forgiven, so move on!
Psalm 51:9-10 (NIV)
Don't' keep looking at my sins. Remove the stain of my guilt.
Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit within me.
The Book of 2 Samuel
16 hours ago
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