Each year, The Royal British Legion establishes a Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey, London and Cathays Park, Cardiff.
The Fields become a sea of Remembrance Crosses with scarlet poppies - a touching symbol of Remembrance and tribute to the memory of ex-Service men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect their country.

There have been many wars and conflicts over the years, some close to home, like the conflict in Northern Ireland, others thousands of miles away, like the current conflict in Afghanistan. Wherever the conflict and no matter whether it's still going on or whether like the first and second world wars, it finished many years ago, we must never forget those who were killed fighting for our freedom.
Today, on the 11th day of the 11th month, I hope like me, you took the time at 11 minutes past the 11th hour, you stopped what you were doing and observed a 2 minute silence in memory of those who have lost their lives.
Today, on the 11th day of the 11th month, I hope like me, you took the time at 11 minutes past the 11th hour, you stopped what you were doing and observed a 2 minute silence in memory of those who have lost their lives.
Please pray for these men and women today and for all they sacrificed.
Now I'd ask you to think of those still involved in conflicts...

Hero is a word that is bandied about too readily these days, devaluing and diminishing the actions of real heroes.
The brave young men and women in our Armed Forces, especially those who are serving on the front lines in Afghanistan and Iraq, wake up every morning knowing that it could be their last. These are the people who are true heroes. When serving thousands of miles away from their home, it's tough on our troops' loved ones too.

Remember to pray for those still serving abroad, and the family and friends they've left at home. Please pray that God will keep them and their families safe...and let them come home soon!
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