"Joy is the infallible evidence of the presence of God!" - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Wow, what a statement, but what a true statement! The joy of the presence of God is a joy that lasts, not just for a few moments, but forever. It's easy to get happiness and joy mixed up, I know I do at times, but they are in fact very different things.
Happiness depends on happenings while joy does not. Happiness doesn't last well and often relies on "pressure feelings" to fuel it. The pleasures of this world and the pleasures of sin only last for a few moments. Sin wants us to believe that it's flowers and sunshine, but while sin might be fun, it's always fleeting.
Psalm 16:11 (King James Version)
In they presence is fullness of joy: at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.
Real joy can only be found in the presence of God. Our God is a God of joy, so we need to find and acknowledge God as our friend and get to know Him. Keeping our joy means realising that the pleasures of sin are only temporary and that true joy is only available through God.
Choose to side with the people of God today, rather than those who enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. We may have to become very different people from who we are just now if we are to be able to turn away from certain activities and obey God. We may find we lose some of our friends in doing this, but we we'll certainly keep our joy!
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The Book of 2 Samuel
13 hours ago
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