When humanity's relationship floundered and failed, God sent Jesus. Why did He do that? Because He loves us - John 3:16 "God so loved the world that He gave His only son".
Not only did God give Jesus, He gives us hope. Hope because He continues to seek those who haven't found Him yet.
Luke 19:10
And I, the Son of Man, have come to seek and save those like him who are lost.
There are a couple of stories which Jesus told to illustrate how God seeks people and wants to save them:
- The first story was about a shepherd who lost one of his precious sheep, so went looking for it until he found the lost sheep. When he found the lost sheep, the shepherd was so happy that he had a party to celebrate.
- The other story was about a woman who lost a valuable coin. She searched diligently until the lost coin was found, and just like the shepherd she rejoiced.

These people all need God. If you recognise yourself from one of the above descriptions, you need God, and God wants to save you today! God wants you to come to Him today.
Luke 15:10
In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God's angels when even one sinner repents.
There's going to be a party in heaven, and God wants you to be His guest of honour! Respond to God today, because He is seeking you. There will be joy for you, and for all in heaven, when God finds you!
Love Will Find A Way by Delirious?
Look around at what you see
There's an s.o.s. ringing out for me
I thought I believed but I just turn away
From these souls living in this hell today
Tears are falling, on my face
From my face
Love, love will find a way to break through
This love finds a way to shine through
Your love, finds a way to break through,
This love finds a way to kiss you.
I stare in the eyes of this flesh and bone
I'm a tourist here so tomorrow I go home
I try to make sense of the things I've seen
Between the poverty and the five star dream.
Love will lead me to your feet
Love wont pass me on the street
Love will look me in the eye
Love wont leave me here to die
To your arms I'm gonna run
And escape what I've become
Love will find a better way, so they say
Love it will break you
Love it will take you
Love it will break you down
Checkout the Delirious? website: http://www.delirious.co.uk/html/
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