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Tuesday 23 June 2009


In the office today I was asked to review a document that had been written by someone else. I did so and then gave feedback on my findings. Only to discover that the meaning I had taken from some of the statements was completely different from the intended meaning!

It's so easy to say things either verbally or in writing, thinking you have stated your points well and without ambiguity, but then find out the listener/reader has taken a completely different meaning from your words!

Sadly this is how so many relationships/friendship are broken. :(

We as Christians must be particularly careful about what we say, as we must at all times speak and act as God wants to. i.e. we must try not to say or do things that upset others unintentionally or intentionally.

Psalms 19:14

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Do you always speak/act as God desires you to?

I know I am guilty at times of not speaking/acting as I know God wants me to. We must ask God to forgive us when to do or say something to displease Him and ask Him to be at the centre of everything we do and say, this way we can be sure we will always act/speak in a way that reflects God's love for each one of us.

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