You've read the title of my today's blog post, so what images or memories has that conjured up to you?
To many of us, we will have thought of our home, a happy, warm, safe place where we live with our loved ones. Or maybe you thought of a specific occassion from recent times or from your childhood, which made you feel "at home".
Here is the dictionary definition of "Home":
To many of us, we will have thought of our home, a happy, warm, safe place where we live with our loved ones. Or maybe you thought of a specific occassion from recent times or from your childhood, which made you feel "at home".
Here is the dictionary definition of "Home":
- a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household.
- the place in which one's domestic affections are centered.
- an institution for the homeless, sick, etc.: a nursing home.
- the dwelling place or retreat of an animal.
- the place or region where something is native or most common.
- any place of residence or refuge: a heavenly home.
- a person's native place or own country.
- (in games) the destination or goal.
- a principal base of operations or activities: The new stadium will be the home of the local football team.
While we are all sitting somewhere in relative comfort and safety reading this blog, there are many people who have no place to call "home". Therefore, can I ask you today to spare a thought for those who are homeless. No matter what circumstances have resulted in someone ending up homeless, noone deserves to be homeless. No one should have to be homeless.

Please pray for those who are homeless or living rough in our streets. Pray that they will find a safe place to stay and that they get the help they need to change their fortunes.
There are many people who work with the homeless either full time or part time, many on a voluntary basis, so I ask for your prayers for these folk too. Please ask God to continue to help and guide these wonderful people as they try to help the homeless.
With God's help, we can end homelessness. God will help lead the homeless home.
There are so many people in need in our world, so today I just wanted to focus on the homeless. In the coming days I'll ask you to join with me in focusing on/praying for some other needy people in our world.
Thank you.
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