Even if it was just the title that got you here, I hope you read on...
I've spent some time in the last few days, rereading some of my previous posts, and found myself focusing on my post entitled DVD Players versus Bibles.
While that post was all about how many DVD players we have in relation to the number of bibles we possess, I got thinking about how much time we spend in prayer.
So, on average, how long do you spend watching the television each day? Now be honest, as I think if you are like me, you might be embarassed about how much time you spend watching the TV!
Have you done your calculations? Are you surprised how much time you send watching the television? I certainly was! I then wondered how many of programmes that are on when you're TV is on, that you actually watch! I know in our house, the TV is often on, but niether of us are actually watching it - it's just there as a noise in the corner!
So where am I going with this? Given the amount of time we spend watching the television, I wonder how that compares with the amount of time we spend in prayer.

So, some questions for you to consider:
Do you spend time praying each day?
How much time do you spend praying each day?
Do you watch the TV more regularly than you pray?
How often do you listen to what God is saying to you?
Now I've thrown a number of questions at you, what's your reaction to your answers? I was quite shocked by my answers to the above questions. We spend a lot of time these days watching tv, dvds, playing computer games, using pcs/laptops, but do we spend enough of our time reading our bible and praying?
Because of my own answers to the above questions, I'm re-evaluating how I spend my time, do you need to do that too?
Enjoy the music but also acknowledge the message presented in the following video: "Pray" by Rebecca St James
(by Rebecca St James)
Jesus I am broken now
Before you I fall I lay me down
All I want is you, my all
I cry out from the ashes
Burned with sin and shame
I ask you Lord to make me whole again
For you say if I will come and will
Pray to you
There's forgiveness when I
Turn from me and pray
For you say if I will come and will
Pray to you
You hear me and heal me when I pray
Your ways are not my own
But I long for them to be
So this what I pray
One with you you'll make me
Melt me away 'til only you remain
For you say if I will come and will
Pray to you
There's forgiveness when I
Turn to you and pray
For you say if I will come and will
Pray to you
You hear me and heal me when I pray
Jesus I am broken now before you
Take me I am yours
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