"You're my friend" - words we often say to people without really thinking about what that really means. Words that can mean the world to the person we say them to.
What qualities do you expect to find in a friend? Here's a few suggestions:
- friendship
- support
- encouragement
- confidant
- trust
- loyalty
- caring
- love
- understanding
How many of your friends possess all the qualities you'd want to find in a friend?

We are so fortunate when we find a true friend, one we can talk to about anything, one who will support and encourage us, one who will comfort us when we're upset. Those friendship do not happen very often, so when we find one like that say thank you to God for allowing us the opportunity to have these kind of friends.
Never take your friends for granted. Tell them often how much they mean to you, as you never know when it might be too late.
Michael W Smith's song I'll Be Your Friend expresses how even through the difficult times in our lives, our true friends will stick by us.
So many memories and so many miles
The road that stretches behind us
We've had some laughter and our share
Of tears
But all these moments unite us
Ill be your friend for a lifetime
Against the wind and the rain of every season
Wont walk away in the hard times
I will be your friend
I'm saying I will be your friend
Sure as the river runs to the sea
High as the mountain that reaches
You were there by my side till the end
(and) helped me on my feet again
So in the valley walk on
Don't have to face it alone
Cause in the hard times
We keep growing strong
As we learn, as we live
That we live when we give
Thank you God for your friends and what they mean to us.
Thank you Jesus for being the best friend we could ever wish to have.
Thank God for Jesus - He's my friend too
CGBROFMI on Twitter
Thank God for Jesus - He's my friend too
CGBROFMI on Twitter
great words as always. Thanks Dot.
Was talking about my staff team today in my presentation and saying how I am privileged to be able to call them friends too. Also so lucky that my best friend (after Jesus) is my wife. Thanks be to God.
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