Well today, for the first time since I move to my current office (I moved there in November last year) we had a team briefing. Better late than never I suppose! To be fair, it definitely was better late than never!

What's the purpose of a briefing?
Here's one definition I found...
A Team Briefing is a regular and systematic process that ensures communication takes place between management and employees. The objective is to make sure that every employee knows and understands what they and others are doing in the organisation and why.
The process involves managers and their team getting together for anything from half an hour to several hours, in a formal setting, on a regular basis (at least once a month) to discuss issues relevant to their work and to provide them with information about the wider organisation. Everyone has the opportunity to discuss specific job related matters with members of their team.
The key to the success of the process is holding the meetings on a regular basis and contributions being made from everyone. The system operates on a cascading principle with the ‘trigger’ meeting being Management Team.
The process involves managers and their team getting together for anything from half an hour to several hours, in a formal setting, on a regular basis (at least once a month) to discuss issues relevant to their work and to provide them with information about the wider organisation. Everyone has the opportunity to discuss specific job related matters with members of their team.
The key to the success of the process is holding the meetings on a regular basis and contributions being made from everyone. The system operates on a cascading principle with the ‘trigger’ meeting being Management Team.
Any of that sound familiar? Well it does to me. The key to successful team briefings in making sure they take place on a regular basis and that the relevant information is communicated to the team.

I've been thinking about how often communication takes place and whether its content it worthwhile, which in turn got me thinking about how God communicates with us and how frequently. Well the frequency is down to how often we put time aside to listen to what God wants to communicate to us. As far as content is concerned, we're talking about God here, so of course the content is worthwhile, God's always communicates worthwhile information to us. The big thing is whether we actually hear and understand what God is saying to us.
Personally I often find that when God speaks to us, He often backs it up by reinforcing His message to me by giving me the same message in another way, often via something someone says or does. Isn't God wonderful!
Deuteronomy 5:27
Go near and listen to all that the Lord our God says. Then tell us whatever the Lord our God tells you. We will listen and obey.
You can't go wrong if you listen to God and follow His directions.
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