Well today's been one of those days for me. From the moment I got out of bed, everything just seemed to not go a smoothly as it could or should have. Here's just a few of today's "issues":
- before I started getting washed I dropped my towel in the bath...when the bath had water in it
- a button fell off my blouse - though fortunately that was before I left the house!
- kicked over the cat's water bowl and got water everywhere
left the house to go to work, got to my car, no car key, so had to go back into house to get my car key
So that's just some of the things that happened before I go to work today. As for my day at work, it wasn't much better.
What really made my day really bad was the fact that I wasn't feeling very good either - I really just wanted away from work so I could find a nice wee quiet corner where I could curl up and release all the emotions that seemed to have built up inside me.

Either way, how did you get through your day?
When you woke up this morning, did you pray that God would be with you in everything you did today? I did.
When things started going wrong for you, did you pray for God's guidance to see you through? I did.
When you felt the day couldn't get any worse and you felt at your lowest, did you pray that God would give you the strength to carry on? I did.
Just because we pray to God to help us, doesn't mean we'll never face any difficult day. It just means that if we put ourselves in God's hands during those difficult times, He will be by our side guiding us through those difficult times.
Be strong. Let God be your strength.
1 Chronicles 16:11 - Look to the Lord and his strength
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