Even if we try not to overload ourselves, chances are we still end up carrying a heavy load. Troubles, burdens and stresses are after all, part of everyday life these days.
When you are feeling overloaded and struggling to cope with the pressures of life, how do you cope?
Well for many of us, we try to withdraw to a private place, a place of quietness, where we can be alone with our thoughts. But how would you feel if you tried to have some "alone" time, but someone interrupted your plans, seeking your help?
Well this is exactly what happened to Jesus after He received the news of John the Baptist's murder (Matthew 14:1-12).
Matthew 14:13-14 - The Message
When Jesus got the news, he slipped away by boat to an out-of-the-way place by himself. But unsuccessfully—someone saw him and the word got around. Soon a lot of people from the nearby villages walked around the lake to where he was. When he saw them coming, he was overcome with pity and healed their sick.
Jesus was certainly God-focused during this time when He really wanted to have some time by himself. He could so easily have focused purely on himself, but He didn't, He was selfless. That must have been so difficult for Jesus to find the strength and motivation to help others rather than focus on himself.
Jesus accomplished this simply by turning to God for His strength and motivation, as He knew God would give Him the power to do all He needed him to do.
Take heart from this, allow you daily stresses and strains to make you more like Jesus: God-focused. This is how Jesus coped, so if it worked for Him it will definitely work for you and me!
God will help you get through, even when things seem impossible!
When you are feeling overloaded and struggling to cope with the pressures of life, how do you cope?
Well for many of us, we try to withdraw to a private place, a place of quietness, where we can be alone with our thoughts. But how would you feel if you tried to have some "alone" time, but someone interrupted your plans, seeking your help?
Well this is exactly what happened to Jesus after He received the news of John the Baptist's murder (Matthew 14:1-12).
Matthew 14:13-14 - The Message
When Jesus got the news, he slipped away by boat to an out-of-the-way place by himself. But unsuccessfully—someone saw him and the word got around. Soon a lot of people from the nearby villages walked around the lake to where he was. When he saw them coming, he was overcome with pity and healed their sick.
Jesus was certainly God-focused during this time when He really wanted to have some time by himself. He could so easily have focused purely on himself, but He didn't, He was selfless. That must have been so difficult for Jesus to find the strength and motivation to help others rather than focus on himself.
Jesus accomplished this simply by turning to God for His strength and motivation, as He knew God would give Him the power to do all He needed him to do.
Take heart from this, allow you daily stresses and strains to make you more like Jesus: God-focused. This is how Jesus coped, so if it worked for Him it will definitely work for you and me!
God will help you get through, even when things seem impossible!
God Help Me by Rebecca St James
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