Have you seen these posters?

I must be honest and say, I personally am not convinced these posters will make much difference at all. Why do I say that? Well as I drive past a poster, or read one as I sit in a queue of traffic waiting for traffic lights to change, it's not going to immediately make me go do something about it, and by the time I've got to wherever I'm going, I have forgotten all about the poster again.
I think that for these posters to make any kind of difference, the reader must already be conscience of poverty and have thought about it to some extent. I'm not saying that I don't think the poster will urge anyone to "make a difference", however I do think, it may be limited to those who have already have helped, or considered how they could, help end poverty.
Maybe what I'm really trying to say is I think there is a widespread ignorance about the levels of poverty that exist, not just abroad but in this country as well. We should be trying to educate everyone more about poverty. One of the failings of these posters (again just in my opinion) is although at the bottom of the posters it does tell you to visit the Christian Aid website to find out how you can help, I for one have never even noticed this, as I while driving/stopped in traffic my attention is drawn to the headline and I've passed it before noticing this bit!

Whether you agree or disagree with what I've said, I ask that today you make a point of finding out more about how YOU can help eradicate poverty...and then DO IT!
Here are some websites you may find helpful:
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