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Monday, 20 July 2009

Thank You God

Earlier today I noticed that my blog had reached 2000 hits - Wow! Believe it or not I was lost for words when I saw the number of hits had reached the 2000 mark.

I feel so humbled by the number of people who have read my blog. So I would like to take this opportunity to say a very big thank you to each and every one of you who have taken the time to read this blog.

To those of you who have left comments or contacted me via Twitter (follow me on Twitter) or email and given me words of encouragement and support, I'd like to thank you all - it has been great to know your thoughts about what I've had to say, and I've felt particularly honoured when you've told me my blog has been "just what you needed" at that time.

So, I've thanked you for read my blog, and now I want to thank God for giving me the direction and inspiration to write it. If you'd asked me this time last year if I'd be blogging about my faith and experiences of God, I'd have told you not to be so daft as I'd never be able to do something like that - It just shows what I know!

If God is speaking to you and asking you to do something you think you cannot do - Trust God, He will give you the tools you need to do His work.

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