I'd love to hear what you think so please leave comments.
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Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Only Trying to Help
Those of you who have a cat or have had one in the past, probably know what's going on - it's that time of year when I have to take our cat to the vet for his annual checkup and inoculations!
Tigger doesn't like going to the vet, so as soon as he sees his carry case coming out the spare room, he goes into hiding and then plays a mixture of hide and seek and tag when we try to get him into his box! The daft thing is we're only trying to take him to the vet to make sure he stays well.
Isn't this just a bit like our relationship with God sometimes? God has a plan for our lives and when He tries to tells us and direct us, we do everything we can to avoid hearing Him, just because we don't want to do what he's requesting of us.
Just like my cat's aversion to going to the vet, we can often find ourselves scared of what God is wanting us to do. The daft thing is just like my cat, we have nothing to worry about, as God will help us to do whatever he wants us to do. So when we listen to God and accept his leading, we find (just like my cat going to the vet) we actually had nothing to fear in the first place!
Don't ignore God when He's speaking to you, He's wanting to help and guide you.
Monday, 29 June 2009
The Mission
Nearly all of the film is a flashback shown while Papal emissary Cardinal Altamirano (Ray McAnally) is dictating a letter to the Pope detailing what happened. One of the first scenes is the martyrdom of a Jesuit missionary. The unnamed missionary is lashed to a cross by the Guarani Indians who live above the spectacular Iguazu Falls, and the cross is placed into the river and sent over the falls. His martyrdom inspires the gentle Father Gabriel to scale the hazardous falls and reach out to the tribe. Entering the Guarani's jungle territory, Father Gabriel sits and begins to play his oboe. Drawn to the sound, the Guarani warriors prepare to kill him, but captivated by the beauty of the music they allow him to live and he gently and gradually wins their trust.
Please sit back and listen to the haunting melody of "Gabriel's Oboe" written by Ennio Morricone:
I was curious to find an English translation of words associated with this theme, and eventually after much searching found them, and they fit so well with the whole theme of the film:
In my fantasy I see a fair world,
Where everyone lives in peace and honesty.
I dream of a place to live that is always free,
Like a cloud that floats,
Full of humanity in the depths of the soul.
In my fantasy I see a bright world
Where each night there is less darkness.
I dream of spirits that are always free,
Like the cloud that floats.
In my fantasy exists a warm wind,
That breathes into the city, like a friend.
I dream of souls that are always free,
Like the cloud that floats,
Full of humanity in the depths of the soul
I'd suggest you now listen to the above video again, and this time follow the above words as the music plays - I'm sure you'll be moved by the words and the music.
Today I'd ask you to pray for all missionaries, many of whom are working far from their homeland, in terrible working conditions, and some in great personal danger.
But to be a missionary we do not need to be working far from home, as God classes us all as missionaries. God has a mission for each of us to help extend His Kingdom and bring others into a relationship with Him. He will send some of us far from home as missionaries in a foreign land, other of us He will use where we are.
I pray that today we might each accept God's mission for our lives, wherever that may take us. I pray that by accepting God's mission, we are able to bring someone into a relationship with Christ.
Sunday, 28 June 2009
At a time when our economy is in recession and repossession become reality for so many, homelessness is a becoming a more frightening possibility for lots of folk.
In the programmes the volunteers are stripped of everything they value, given clothes more applicable to their new homeless status, and also a sleeping bag to symbolise their new life. We are then shown how they adjust to being invisible, vulnerable and desperate as homeless people living on the streets of London and then later in the programmes, living in a homeless hostel (some in London, others in Glasgow). The physical and emotional experience of the volunteers during their ten days on the streets was plain to see during the programme. The volunteers found themselves challenging their prejudices and preconceptions of homelessness and the different reasons and circumstances that result in someone without having no home - something that we all take for granted.
I must be honest, I shed a number of tears while watching these programmes. It was soul wrenching to hear the stories of some of those of the homeless folk the volunteers encountered, and the circumstances which had caused them to end up on the street. I for one have been challenged by the programmes, as I am ashamed to say I feel embarrassed/awkward when I see/encounter homeless folk, and where possible would probably try and avoid having to speak to them. I cannot truly express how ashamed I now feel.
There is one thing that sticks in my memory that a number of the homeless folk said, and that was the extreme loneliness they feel when living on the streets. If I'm honest, I think that just added to my feelings of guilt as I know I often try to avoid homeless people when I see them on the street, as I'm not good at dealing with new situations or talking to folk I don't know. Just because I feel awkward or uncomfortable does not make it ok for me to avoid these people, after all they are the very ones who need my help, even if it's just to talk
I have forgotten that homeless people are in real people too, just like me and you! They are God's children just as much the rest of us!
So many of the folk who find themselves having to live on the streets, find themselves doing so simply because of the circumstances or situations they have found themselves in, often through no fault of their own. Having watched these programmes and found myself challenging my perception of the homeless, I spent a long time in prayer, not just for those who find themselves living on the streets, but also for myself, that God will give me the strength and guidance to approach homeless people and talk to them, rather than avoiding them.
We must thank God for giving us the kind of lifestyle we have. At times we may complain and think our lives are terrible, but out lives are luxurious compared to those living on the streets.
Please pray for the following:
- Those who find themselves living on the streets
- Those who work with the homeless
- The safety of of homeless and those who work with them
- The families of the homeless
- That those from broken families may find peace and reconciliation so can return home
We are all God's children. We must do what we can look after one another...those we know and those we don't, those who are doing well and those who have hit hard times.
You can see the two BBC programmes at BBC iPlayer : http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/search/?q=Famous,%20Rich%20and%20Homeless
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Stand Up!
Do you stand up for God?
If you find yourself involved in a conversation or situation that goes against your Christian beliefs, do you say nothing or do you express your beliefs and stand up for God?
It can be very difficult to stand up for what we believe when we find ourselves in the midst of an unacceptable situations. However if you put your trust in God, He will give you the right words to say and will be there with you to help.
Don't think just because no one else has said anything they agree with what's being said or done. A while ago I found myself in the middle of a situation that I felt did not sit well with my Christian beliefs. I didn't know the people involved very well, but could not let myself be associated with what was happening, so I said a quick prayer and asked God to give me the strength and words to diffuse what for me was a very difficult situation. Without going into all the details, the outcome was that my comments were accepted, and the situation was defused (though whether some of the group continued their discussion elsewhere I never found out).
What you might be surprised to hear is that, after the group had dispersed, one of the other folk who had been present came over to me and indicated he had been very uncomfortable with the way the situation had been developing but did not have the strength to stand up for God as the others didn't know he was a Christian! I'm fairly sure none of the group had known I was a Christian prior to my intervention, however my thoughts during this had never been about me, they had been about what was hearing/witnessing.
Please have the courage to stand up for God, He will stand up and support you when you do.
Never stop being in awe of what God can do, if you do, you must remind yourself of God's amazing love for each one of us.
Friday, 26 June 2009
Life...and Death

Before I go any further I want to say at that I do not intend to say anymore about either of these celebrities in this blog, as there are there are countless other sites that contain information about these people lives, so if you're looking for information about them, this is not the site you want.
So onto what I do want to talk about...
Throughout the world this week, there are many people who have suffered bereavements. In fact, I personally know of a number of people who have been bereaved in this last week.
Death is one of life's certainties - we all know we will die at some time, some sooner that others. Even so, although we know death will come to us all, it does not make it any easier for family and friends to cope when their relative or friend passes away.

Many tears are often shed when someone dies. Tears of sadness that they will never see their loved one again, and sometimes even tears of happiness when they reminisce about past times spent with their loved one.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life
Well known words, but words which mean the world to Christians worldwide - if we believe in God, we can live forever simply because God loves us, every single one of us, so much that he let his son die on a cross at Calvary. Wow! How amazing and wonderful is that!?
Death is not the end, it is simply the beginning of eternal life with God. For that we must rejoice. When our friends/love ones pass away, try to remember that they are at peace, their struggles on earth are at at end and they are now at rest with our heavenly Father.
Here is Michael W Smith's great song called Live Forever. Hope you enjoy it!
Please pray today for those who have suffered bereavements in this last week. I'd ask you to pray particularly for their family and friends - that they may understand and accept that their loved one/friend is now at peace, and is peace in God's presence.
Finally I'd like to leave some other well known words of scripture with you - but maybe a slightly different version from you're used to hearing
Psalm 23 (Contemporary English Version)
You, LORD, are my shepherd.
I will never be in need.
You let me rest in fields of green grass.
You lead me to streams of peaceful water, and you refresh my life.
You are true to your name, and you lead me along the right paths.
I may walk through valleys as dark as death, but I won't be afraid.
You are with me, and your shepherd's rod [a] makes me feel safe.
You treat me to a feast, while my enemies watch.
You honor me as your guest, and you fill my cup until it overflows.
Your kindness and love will always be with me each day of my life, and I will live forever in your house, LORD
Thursday, 25 June 2009

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Don't deny letting God into your life just because you think now is not the right time. God does not care what time of the day or night it is, where you are, what you are doing or who you're with. God is with us every minute of every day so whenever that moment is right for you, take it. Memorise that moment, as it should a one of the most special moments in your life, so take a mental photo of it.
You can find another version of "Lord I Give You My Heart" on yesterday's blog.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
All I Can Be
All that I have, all that is me,
Accept and use, Lord, as you would choose, Lord, right now today.
Take ev'ry passion, ev'ry skill, take all my dreams and bend them to your will.
My all I give, Lord, for you I'll live, Lord, come what may.
Often I come with my problems and cares,
Running to you when distressed
But I must bring you the whole of my life,
Lord, I must give you my best
All that I am, all I can be,
All that I have, all that is me,
Accept and use, Lord, as you would choose, Lord, right now today.
Take ev'ry passion, ev'ry skill, take all my dreams and bend them to your will.
My all I give, Lord, for you I'll live, Lord, come what may.
Life has no purpose unless it is yours
Life without you has no goal;
All that fulfills me is doing your will,
Knowing that you're in control.
All that I am, all I can be,
All that I have, all that is me,
Accept and use, Lord, as you would choose, Lord, right now today.
Take ev'ry passion, ev'ry skill, take all my dreams and bend them to your will.
My all I give, Lord, for you I'll live, Lord, come what may.
When things are going well in my life, I often find myself believing I can get by on own. But what happens when I do start making decisions about my life without considering God's plan for my life? Everything starts going wrong in my life and I find myself struggling more and more, until eventually I am at rock bottom and looking to God once more to pick me up... and so the circle of events begins!
Any of this sound familiar? Be honest with yourself as I know I am definitely not the only person who will go through these feelings.
Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
Don't despair though, just because this may be how our life has evolved so far, does not mean it has to continue like this. If we keep focused on Jesus through the good times as well as the bad, and keep God at the centre of all we do, we need never find ourselves having to continually go through these recurring events.
In other words, give yourself entirely to God, let Him use every part of you in whatever way He sees fit. Let God help you be all you can be.
Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Monday, 22 June 2009
Brothers and Sisters
Do you consider your Christian friends to be brothers and sisters in Christ?
If someone says, "I love God," but hates a Christian brother or sister, that person is a liar; for if we don't love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see?
And he has given us this command: Those who love God must also love their Christian brothers and sisters. (1 John 4:20-21)
It is always harder to understand, to trust something or someone we've never seen, than it is with who/what we can see. However we cannot and must not use this as an excuse to not love God to the extent that He desires.
Likewise, if we truly believe in God who we cannot see, we cannot and must not make up any reasons why we cannot love our brothers and sisters in Christ.
However we are only human, so we must ask God to give us understanding and patience in all our relationship so that we can be the kind of person He wants and needs us to be.
Sunday, 21 June 2009
More Than This
What a powerful song, one that touches me whenever I listen to it. I hope you felt the passion of the song and that the words touched you too
If you haven't yet fully accepted God into your life, it's not too late, it's never too late.
Are you wondering where your life is going? Accepting God into your life will give your life direction again. God will help keep you on His path and you'll never get lost again
No matter what your current circumstances, or what you might be struggling with, God can help when you let Him into your life. Let God's love consume you today.
Consuming Fire (Tim Hughes)
There must be more than this
oh breath of God come breath within
There must be more than this
Spirit of God we wait for you
Fill us anew we pray
Fill us anew we pray
Consuming Fire
Fan into flame
a passion for your name
Spirit of God fall in this place
Lord have ur way
Lord have ur way with us
Come like a rushing wind
Fill us with power from on high
Now set the captives free
leave us abandoned to your praise
Lord let your glory fall
Lord let your glory fall
Consuming Fire
Fan into flame
a passion for your name
Spirit of God fall in this place
Lord have ur way
Lord have ur way with us
Find out more about Tim Hughes at his website: http://www.timhughesmusic.com/
Saturday, 20 June 2009
However you are finding your life at present, remember your not on your own, you are never on your own, as not only are others going through the same experiences, but more importantly, God is with you and will help you through.
For us to succeed in life and achieve all we are capable of, we must give our lives entirely to God, then and only then will we find we thrive.
Down here in the valley
Every shadow You see
Has its own story
Down here in the valley
Every puddle of mud
Comes from tears and blood
And it's so hard just to get warm
That the chill turns into despair
Will You lift me up with tender care?
Will You wash me clean in the palm of Your hand?
Will You hold me close so I can thrive?
When You touch me, that's when I know I'm alive
Down here in the valley
Nothing's able to grow
'Cause the light's too low
Folks spend their days
Digging 'round for diamonds and gold
'Til they just get old
And they don't know anything else
They don't know they're breathing bad air
But I'm tired of living like this
And my soul cries out, "If You're there...
Call me up to Your side
Draw me up to Your light
Let it blind me
Lord, refine me
Refine me out of my mind
Friday, 19 June 2009
Team Briefing

The process involves managers and their team getting together for anything from half an hour to several hours, in a formal setting, on a regular basis (at least once a month) to discuss issues relevant to their work and to provide them with information about the wider organisation. Everyone has the opportunity to discuss specific job related matters with members of their team.
The key to the success of the process is holding the meetings on a regular basis and contributions being made from everyone. The system operates on a cascading principle with the ‘trigger’ meeting being Management Team.

Thursday, 18 June 2009
TV versus Prayer
Even if it was just the title that got you here, I hope you read on...
I've spent some time in the last few days, rereading some of my previous posts, and found myself focusing on my post entitled DVD Players versus Bibles.
While that post was all about how many DVD players we have in relation to the number of bibles we possess, I got thinking about how much time we spend in prayer.
So, on average, how long do you spend watching the television each day? Now be honest, as I think if you are like me, you might be embarassed about how much time you spend watching the TV!
Have you done your calculations? Are you surprised how much time you send watching the television? I certainly was! I then wondered how many of programmes that are on when you're TV is on, that you actually watch! I know in our house, the TV is often on, but niether of us are actually watching it - it's just there as a noise in the corner!
So where am I going with this? Given the amount of time we spend watching the television, I wonder how that compares with the amount of time we spend in prayer.

So, some questions for you to consider:
Do you spend time praying each day?
How much time do you spend praying each day?
Do you watch the TV more regularly than you pray?
How often do you listen to what God is saying to you?
Now I've thrown a number of questions at you, what's your reaction to your answers? I was quite shocked by my answers to the above questions. We spend a lot of time these days watching tv, dvds, playing computer games, using pcs/laptops, but do we spend enough of our time reading our bible and praying?
Because of my own answers to the above questions, I'm re-evaluating how I spend my time, do you need to do that too?
Enjoy the music but also acknowledge the message presented in the following video: "Pray" by Rebecca St James
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
True Friend
- friendship
- support
- encouragement
- confidant
- trust
- loyalty
- caring
- love
- understanding

Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Our closest friends can be a great comfort to us during our lowest times, but can be also be a great joy to us during our brightest days.
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.
The above are well known words from John 15:12-15. Although they are well know, do not underestimate the truth and the power in these words.
Linking in with my previous post entitled Everlasting, no matter how many close friends we have, and no matter how much they help and support us, we must always remember that it's only through God's help and guidance that they have are there for us.
Pray for your friends.
Pray for the friendship you give to others.
Pray that your friends can always rely on you to be faithful.
Pray that God will use you to inspire and encourage your friends.
Anywhere you are, anywhere you've been
I will be an honest heart you can depend on
I will be a Faithful Friend
Find out more about Twila Paris at: http://www.twilaparis.com/
Find out more about Steven Curtis Chapman at: http://www.stevencurtischapman.com/
Monday, 15 June 2009
How many times in your life have you been deeply hurt by something that a friend has said or done?
I'm sure if your honest you, like me will be thinking about a number of occasions that answers my questions. Friendship is something we all want and need in our lives, but often friends can let us down and we end up being hurt.
So cherish your friendships, work on them, make them everlasting.
There is however one friendship which we can always rely on to last forever, and that is our friendship with God. Like our other friendships though, we must work on this relationship too, so that it grows in strength, so it will be unbreakable...make it an everlasting friendship.
Everlasting (by Sonicflood)
The sky will fall
The ground will give
Through it all You will be faithful
Friends may leave
They come and go
This I know
You will be faithful
You will be faithful
You will always be the same
Your love will never change
You are the everlasting
I will put my trust in You
Forever to be true
You are the everlasting
You are the everlasting
When beauty fades
And slips away
For all my days
You will be faithful
When I breathe
My final breath
I find my rest in Your faithfulness
When all around us
Is falling into waste
When the earth is dying
You cannot be erased
And I don't have to be afraid
You're the Alpha and Omega
You're forever, everlasting
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Someone Cares

- Love Changes Everything - played by the band
- The Power of Your Love - congregational song
- Forever, I Do - sung by the singing company (junior choir)
- Be Still - played by the YP Band (junior band)
- Someone Cares - cornet solo played by the band
- All That I Am - sung by the the songsters (adult choir)

Someone knows your deepest need, your burden shares;
Someone cares, someone cares,
God himself will hear the whisper of your prayers.
Saturday, 13 June 2009

Here are some facts you may or may not know about hunger:
- In the Asian, African and Latin American countries, well over 500 million people are living in what the World Bank has called "absolute poverty"
- Every year 15 million children die of hunger
- One in twelve people worldwide is malnourished, including 160 million children under the age of 5
- The Indian subcontinent has nearly half the world's hungry people. Africa and the rest of Asia together have approximately 40%, and the remaining hungry people are found in Latin America and other parts of the world. Hunger in Global Economy
- Nearly one in four people, 1.3 billion - a majority of humanity - live on less than $1 per day, while the world's 358 billionaires have assets exceeding the combined annual incomes of countries with 45 percent of the world's people
- Half of all children under five years of age in South Asia and one third of those in sub-Saharan Africa are malnourished
- Malnutrition is implicated in more than half of all child deaths worldwide - a proportion unmatched by any infectious disease since the Black Death
- About 183 million children weigh less than they should for their age
- Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger

Shocking isn't it.
We must do our utmost to help put an end to poverty. People should not be dying of hunger in the 21st century.
"Hungry" by Kathryn Scott
Friday, 12 June 2009
The meeting was all about promoting fire safety visits for households in the North Lanarkshire and highlighting to to residential the profile of those most at risk. These are obviously a very important issues which will hopefully help save lives.

Do you know what responsibilities the fire and rescue service provide?
Some of the responsibilities of Strathclyde Fire & Rescue are fire prevention, fire safety and education, fire investigation, road safety, water rescue and of course...fire fighting!

So many lives are torn apart by fire or road traffic accidents, we must support all those who put their live on the line on a daily basis to help those of us in trouble. Please pray for our fire service, they do an excellent job often in very difficult and distressing circumstances.
Please pray today for all who work for our Fire & Rescue service.
Please also pray for those whose life has been affected in some way by fire or a road accident.
Psalm 69:29
I am in pain and distress; may your salvation, O God, protect me.
You can get more info by visiting the Strathclyde Fire & Rescue website: http://www.strathclydefire.org/about/default.asp
Thursday, 11 June 2009
When All Hope Is Gone...
I feel I do not need to add anything futher to the message given in this video, other than to say:
No matter how low you may be feeling and how bad life might seem, hold onto God and He will get you through
"Hold On" by Nicole Nordeman: http://www.nicholenordeman.com/
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
It took me 1 hour and 40 minutes to do a journey that usually takes about 20 minutes. Not good. :(
As I went to join the motorway to head home, the police were out coning off the northbound slip road as there had been a serious accident so the motorway had been shut. So as I was already on the slip road by this time, I had to head onto the southbound motorway! i.e. the completely opposite direction from where I wanted to go!

So like many others I had to head down the southbound motorway to the next junction and try to get back up the other way. Unfortunately as they were taking everyone off the motorway northbound were I tried to join, the queue northbound was back to the next junction!
So having got off the motorway, further from home than I started, I took the back roads to get back to where I wanted to be...but so did many others, so while we were moving (unlike the northbound motorway) it was still slow going.
Although my journey home took much longer than anticipated, I am thankful I got home in one piece, as there were obviously some unfortunate folk who got caught up in the accident who weren't as lucky. I pray that there were no fatalities or serious injuries to those involved.

Proverbs 16:1,16:9, 16:33, 20:24 (NIV)
We make our own plans, but the Lord gives the right answer.
We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.We may throw the dice, but the Lord determines how thy fall.
The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?
Even when you go off track, God's still with you. Just turn around a see Him standing there, ready to lead you back onto the right track.
If you've found your life going away from God, I pray today that you will ask God for directions to turn you back towards Him again. Let God direct your life.
All the Way My Saviour Leads me by Chris Tomlin
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
What If?
Nicole wrote “What If” for a friend who wasn't a Christian because she felt it was important to have people in our lives who don’t speak our same faith language. She felt it important to be able to talk with them about it without feeling the pressure to say the right thing, to point to the right book or to argue with them to force them to accept God. At the end of the day, to enter God's kingdom, we have to do so because we love God, not because we've been forced into it.
I've mentioned in previous posts that I find it very difficult to talk openly to others about my faith, as I can never find the right words to say. However God has directed me to the medium of blogging, for which I am so thankful as I have been deeply moved and encouraged by the feedback I've received about my blog. It's so humbling to realised God is using me to reach others.
I do not expect that I will ever be able to openly discuss my faith and beliefs verbally with others in a way I feel comfortable. However I know God has, and will continue to, give me opportunities to share my faith with others in other ways.
Even in the short time I have been blogging I've found my own relationship with God has grown stronger. I'm sure we all have "What If" questions about God and what He stands for, but I'm happy to say, He's answered so many of my questions over this last while, often directing to passages in scripture that answer my questions directly, or to songs or bible verses that get me asking deeper questions. Many of which you'll find I've used in my blogs!

Nicole Nordeman says that,"“What If” is a heavy song, because there’s a lot wrapped up in that, but it’s probably one of the more important songs, I think, that I’ve written to date."
That's quite a recommendation from someone who's written so many songs!
I pray that if you have any "What If" questions about God and what He can do for you, that you let God direct you to the answers. Don't have lasting doubts about God, get rid of those "What If" questions, and give yourself to God.
What if there’s more?
What if there’s hope you never dreamed of hoping for?
What if you jump?
And just close your eyes?
What if the arms that catch you, catch you by surprise?
What if He’s more than enough?
What if it’s love?
You can find out more about Nicole Nordeman by checking out her website: http://www.nicholenordeman.com/index.aspx